

ˈnu̇r-əl - pȯi-ˈē-səs

A visual language resulting from the process of collaboration between human and computer (using artificial neural networks and convolutional neural networks), producing new aesthetic forms.

Inspired by Maturana and Varela's Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (1980), the term neuralpoiesis describes outputs produced through human computer creative collaboration (H3C).

A neuralpoietic system consists of a human-computer ensemble with organized components that maintain homeostasis and adapt through a process of disturbances (or as Maturana and Varela call them, perturbations). The outputs produced by inputs from both members of the ensemble help maintain systemic balance. The components in the system do not adapt, but the behavior of the system does, through the production of creative outputs.